# Qlattice (https://github.com/jinluchang/qlattice)
# Copyright (C) 2021
# Author: Luchang Jin (ljin.luchang@gmail.com)
# Author: Masaaki Tomii
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import qlat_utils as q
import copy
import sympy
import numpy as np
from typing import Self
from . import expr_arithmetic as ea
from .expr_arithmetic import mk_sym
import expr_arithmetic as ea
from expr_arithmetic import mk_sym
class Op:
def __init__(self, otype:str):
self.otype = otype
def is_commute(self) -> bool:
return True
def show(self, is_multiply=False):
return repr(self)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Op({self.otype})"
def __add__(self, other):
return mk_expr(self) + other
__radd__ = __add__
def __mul__(self, other):
return mk_expr(self) * other
def __rmul__(self, other):
return mk_expr(other) * self
def __neg__(self):
return mk_expr(-1) * mk_expr(self)
def __pos__(self):
return self
def __sub__(self, other):
return mk_expr(self) + mk_expr(-1) * other
def __rsub__(self, other):
return mk_expr(other) + mk_expr(-1) * self
def sort(self) -> None:
def isospin_symmetric_limit(self) -> None:
### ------
class Qfield(Op):
def __init__(self, otype:str, flavor:str, position:str, spin:str, color:str):
Op.__init__(self, otype)
self.f = flavor
self.p = position
self.s = spin
self.c = color
def is_commute(self) -> bool:
return False
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self.s == "auto" and self.c == "auto":
return f"{self.otype}({self.f!r},{self.p!r})"
return f"{self.otype}({self.f!r},{self.p!r},{self.s!r},{self.c!r})"
def list(self):
return [ self.otype, self.f, self.p, self.s, self.c, ]
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return self.list() == other.list()
### ------
class Qv(Qfield):
act as d / d Hb
def __init__(self, f, p, s, c):
interface function
Qfield.__init__(self, "Qv", f, p, s, c)
### ------
class Qb(Qfield):
act as d / d Hv
def __init__(self, f, p, s, c):
interface function
Qfield.__init__(self, "Qb", f, p, s, c)
### ------
class Hv(Qfield):
def __init__(self, f, p, s, c):
Qfield.__init__(self, "Hv", f, p, s, c)
### ------
class Hb(Qfield):
def __init__(self, f, p, s, c):
Qfield.__init__(self, "Hb", f, p, s, c)
### ------
class SHv(Qfield):
def __init__(self, f, p, s, c):
Qfield.__init__(self, "SHv", f, p, s, c)
### ------
class HbS(Qfield):
def __init__(self, f, p, s, c):
Qfield.__init__(self, "HbS", f, p, s, c)
### ------
class S(Op):
def __init__(self, flavor:str, p1:str, p2:str, s1:str="auto", s2:str="auto", c1:str="auto", c2:str="auto"):
Op.__init__(self, "S")
self.f = flavor
self.p1 = p1
self.p2 = p2
self.s1 = s1
self.s2 = s2
self.c1 = c1
self.c2 = c2
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self.s1 == "auto" and self.s2 == "auto" and self.c1 == "auto" and self.c2 == "auto":
return f"{self.otype}({self.f!r},{self.p1!r},{self.p2!r})"
return f"{self.otype}({self.f!r},{self.p1!r},{self.p2!r},{self.s1!r},{self.s2!r},{self.c1!r},{self.c2!r})"
def list(self):
return [ self.otype, self.f, self.p1, self.p2, self.s1, self.s2, self.c1, self.c2, ]
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return self.list() == other.list()
def isospin_symmetric_limit(self) -> None:
can also use these fictitious quark field to remove some unwanted disconnected diagrams
if self.f in [ "u", "d", "u'", "d'", "u''", "d''", "u'''", "d'''", ]:
self.f = "l"
elif self.f in [ "s", "s'", "s''", "s'''", ]:
self.f = "s"
elif self.f in [ "c", "c'", "c''", "c'''", ]:
self.f = "c"
### ------
class G(Op):
spin matrix
tag = 0, 1, 2, 3, 5 for gamma matrices
def __init__(self, tag, s1:str="auto", s2:str="auto"):
Op.__init__(self, "G")
self.tag = tag
self.s1 = s1
self.s2 = s2
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self.s1 == "auto" and self.s2 == "auto":
return f"{self.otype}({self.tag!r})"
return f"{self.otype}({self.tag!r},{self.s1!r},{self.s2!r})"
def list(self):
return [ self.otype, self.tag, self.s1, self.s2, ]
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return self.list() == other.list()
### ------
class U(Op):
color matrix
def __init__(self, tag, p, mu, c1:str="auto", c2:str="auto"):
Op.__init__(self, "U")
self.tag = tag
self.p = p
self.mu = mu
self.c1 = c1
self.c2 = c2
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self.c1 == "auto" and self.c2 == "auto":
return f"{self.otype}({self.tag!r},{self.p!r},{self.mu!r})"
return f"{self.otype}({self.tag!r},{self.p!r},{self.mu!r},{self.c1!r},{self.c2!r})"
def list(self):
return [ self.otype, self.tag, self.p, self.mu, self.c1, self.c2, ]
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return self.list() == other.list()
### ------
class Tr(Op):
a collection of ops taking the trace
def __init__(self, ops:list, tag=None):
Op.__init__(self, "Tr")
if tag is not None:
# do not perform check if tag is set
self.ops = ops
self.tag = tag
for op in ops:
assert op.is_commute()
assert op.otype in [ "S", "G", "U", ]
s = None
c = None
for op in ops + ops:
if not check_chain_sc(op, s, c):
raise Exception(f"ops={ops} tag={tag}")
s, c, = update_chain_sc(op, s, c)
if s is not None and c is not None:
self.tag = "sc"
elif s is not None:
self.tag = "s"
elif c is not None:
self.tag = "c"
self.tag = ""
self.ops = []
for op in ops:
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.otype}({self.ops!r},{self.tag!r})"
def list(self):
return [ self.otype, self.tag, self.ops, ]
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return self.list() == other.list()
def sort(self):
ops = self.ops
if len(ops) > 1:
self.ops = sorted([ ops[i:] + ops[:i] for i in range(len(ops)) ], key=repr)[0]
def isospin_symmetric_limit(self) -> None:
for op in self.ops:
### ------
class Chain(Op):
a collection of ops multiplying together but do not form a loop
def __init__(self, ops:list, tag=None, s1:str="auto", s2:str="auto", c1:str="auto", c2:str="auto"):
Op.__init__(self, "Chain")
if tag is not None:
# do not perform check if tag is set
self.ops = ops
self.s1 = s1
self.s2 = s2
self.c1 = c1
self.c2 = c2
self.tag = tag
for op in ops:
assert op.is_commute()
assert op.otype in [ "S", "G", "U", ]
self.s1 = None
self.s2 = None
self.c1 = None
self.c2 = None
s = None
c = None
for op in ops:
if not check_chain_sc(op, s, c):
raise Exception(f"ops={ops} tag={tag}")
s, c, = update_chain_sc1(op, s, c)
if self.s1 is None:
self.s1 = s
if self.c1 is None:
self.c1 = c
s, c, = update_chain_sc(op, s, c)
self.s2 = s
self.c2 = c
if s is not None and c is not None:
self.tag = "sc"
elif s is not None:
self.tag = "s"
elif c is not None:
self.tag = "c"
self.tag = ""
self.ops = []
for op in ops:
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self.s1 == "auto" and self.s2 == "auto" and self.c1 == "auto" and self.c2 == "auto":
return f"{self.otype}({self.ops!r},{self.tag!r})"
return f"{self.otype}({self.ops!r},{self.tag!r},{self.s1!r},{self.s2!r},{self.c1!r},{self.c2!r})"
def list(self):
return [ self.otype, self.ops, self.tag, self.s1, self.s2, self.c1, self.c2, ]
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return self.list() == other.list()
def sort(self):
Do not need to sort
def isospin_symmetric_limit(self) -> None:
for op in self.ops:
### ------
def copy_op_index_auto(op:Op):
if op.otype not in [ "S", "G", "U", "Chain", ]:
return op
op = copy.copy(op)
if op.otype in [ "S", "Chain", "G", ]:
op.s1 = "auto"
op.s2 = "auto"
if op.otype in [ "S", "Chain", "U", ]:
op.c1 = "auto"
op.c2 = "auto"
return op
def check_chain_spin_index(ops:list, s:str):
for a spin index `s`,
return is_having_repeated_index, first_index_of_operator, second_index_of_operator
count1 = 0
count2 = 0
i1 = None
i2 = None
for i, op in enumerate(ops):
if op.otype in [ "S", "G", ]:
if op.s1 == s:
i1 = i
count1 += 1
if op.s2 == s:
i2 = i
count2 += 1
assert count1 < 2
assert count2 < 2
return count1 == 1 and count2 == 1, i1, i2
def check_chain_color_index(ops:list, c:str):
for a color index `s`,
return is_having_repeated_index, first_index_of_operator, second_index_of_operator
count1 = 0
count2 = 0
i1 = None
i2 = None
for i, op in enumerate(ops):
if op.otype in [ "S", "U", ]:
if op.c1 == c:
i1 = i
count1 += 1
if op.c2 == c:
i2 = i
count2 += 1
assert count1 < 2
assert count2 < 2
return count1 == 1 and count2 == 1, i1, i2
def check_chain_op(ops:list, op:Op):
for a operator `op`,
return "single" or "begin" or "middle" or "end",
if this `op` is part of a (longer) chain of contraction
if `op` does not have right type, return `None`.
if op.otype not in [ "S", "G", "U", ]:
return None
b_begin = True
b_end = True
if op.otype in [ "S", ]:
if check_chain_spin_index(ops, op.s1)[0] and check_chain_color_index(ops, op.c1)[0]:
b_begin = False
if check_chain_spin_index(ops, op.s2)[0] and check_chain_color_index(ops, op.c2)[0]:
b_end = False
elif op.otype in [ "G", ]:
if check_chain_spin_index(ops, op.s1)[0]:
b_begin = False
if check_chain_spin_index(ops, op.s2)[0]:
b_end = False
elif op.otype in [ "U", ]:
if check_chain_color_index(ops, op.c1)[0]:
b_begin = False
if check_chain_color_index(ops, op.c2)[0]:
b_end = False
assert False
if b_begin and b_end:
return "single"
elif b_begin:
return "begin"
elif b_end:
return "end"
return "middle"
def check_chain_sc(op, s, c):
if op.otype in [ "S", "G", ]:
if s is not None and s != op.s1:
return False
if op.otype in [ "S", "U", ]:
if c is not None and c != op.c1:
return False
return True
def update_chain_sc1(op, s, c):
if op.otype in [ "S", "Chain", "G", ]:
s = op.s1
if op.otype in [ "S", "Chain", "U", ]:
c = op.c1
return s, c
def update_chain_sc(op, s, c):
if op.otype in [ "S", "Chain", "G", ]:
s = op.s2
if op.otype in [ "S", "Chain", "U", ]:
c = op.c2
return s, c
def pick_chain_op(ops:list, masks:list, s, c, type_list=None):
if type_list is None:
type_list = [ "single", "begin", "end", "middle", ]
for i, op in enumerate(ops):
if masks[i]:
if not check_chain_sc(op, s, c):
if check_chain_op(ops, op) not in type_list:
return i, op
return None
def find_trace(ops:list):
return None or (Tr(tr_ops), remaining_op_list,)
size = len(ops)
for i, op in enumerate(ops):
if check_chain_op(ops, op) not in [ "middle", ]:
masks = [ False for op in ops ]
tr_ops = []
s = None
c = None
masks[i] = True
s, c, = update_chain_sc(op, s, c)
while True:
p_op = pick_chain_op(ops, masks, s, c, [ "middle", ])
if p_op is None:
# trace found
return Tr(tr_ops), [ op for i, op in enumerate(ops) if not masks[i] ]
i2, op2 = p_op
masks[i2] = True
s, c, = update_chain_sc(op2, s, c)
return None
def find_chain(ops:list):
return None or (Chain(ch_ops), remaining_op_list,)
size = len(ops)
for i, op in enumerate(ops):
if check_chain_op(ops, op) not in [ "single", "begin", ]:
masks = [ False for op in ops ]
ch_ops = []
s = None
c = None
masks[i] = True
s, c, = update_chain_sc(op, s, c)
while True:
p_op = pick_chain_op(ops, masks, s, c, [ "single", "begin", "middle", "end", ])
if p_op is None:
# chain found
return Chain(ch_ops), [ op for i, op in enumerate(ops) if not masks[i] ]
i2, op2 = p_op
masks[i2] = True
s, c, = update_chain_sc(op2, s, c)
return None
def collect_traces(ops:list) -> list:
First collect all the `Chain`s, then `Tr`s
chs = []
while True:
fc = find_chain(ops)
if fc is None:
ch, ops = fc
trs = []
while True:
ft = find_trace(ops)
if ft is None:
tr, ops = ft
return chs + trs + ops
### ------
def baryon_spin_tensor_to_code(spin_tensor:np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
return spin_tensor_code
spin_tensor_code[s1, s2, s3] = spin_coef
Note CPS/Grid/GPT code convention is not the Euclidean convention
psi^Code_0 = -1 * psi^Eucl_1
psi^Code_1 = +1 * psi^Eucl_0
psi^Code_2 = -1 * psi^Eucl_3
psi^Code_3 = +1 * psi^Eucl_2
shape = (4, 4, 4,)
assert spin_tensor.shape == shape
spin_tensor_code = np.zeros(shape, dtype=object)
sidx_arr = [
(1, -1),
(0, 1),
(3, -1),
(2, 1),
for s1 in range(4):
s1p, fac1, = sidx_arr[s1]
for s2 in range(4):
s2p, fac2, = sidx_arr[s2]
for s3 in range(4):
s3p, fac3, = sidx_arr[s3]
spin_tensor_code[s1, s2, s3] = fac1 * fac2 * fac3 * spin_tensor[s1p, s2p, s3p]
return spin_tensor_code
def baryon_spin_tensor_from_code(spin_tensor_code:np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
return spin_tensor
spin_tensor[s1, s2, s3] = spin_coef
Note CPS/Grid/GPT code convention is not the Euclidean convention
psi^Eucl_0 = +1 * psi^Code_1
psi^Eucl_1 = -1 * psi^Code_0
psi^Eucl_2 = +1 * psi^Code_3
psi^Eucl_3 = -1 * psi^Code_2
shape = (4, 4, 4,)
assert spin_tensor_code.shape == shape
spin_tensor = np.zeros(shape, dtype=object)
sidx_arr = [
(1, 1),
(0, -1),
(3, 1),
(2, -1),
for s1 in range(4):
s1p, fac1, = sidx_arr[s1]
for s2 in range(4):
s2p, fac2, = sidx_arr[s2]
for s3 in range(4):
s3p, fac3, = sidx_arr[s3]
spin_tensor[s1, s2, s3] = fac1 * fac2 * fac3 * spin_tensor_code[s1p, s2p, s3p]
return spin_tensor
class BfieldCoef:
def __init__(self, st_list_code:list|None=None):
shape = (4, 4, 4,)
if st_list_code is None:
self.spin_tensor = np.zeros(shape, dtype=object)
spin_tensor_code = np.zeros(shape, dtype=object)
spin_tensor_code.ravel()[:] = st_list_code
self.spin_tensor = baryon_spin_tensor_from_code(spin_tensor_code)
def get_spin_tensor_list_code(self) -> list:
st = self.get_spin_tensor_code()
st_list_code = st.ravel().tolist()
return st_list_code
def get_spin_tensor(self, permute=None) -> np.ndarray:
return spin_tensor
spin_tensor[s1, s2, s3] = spin_coef
Euclidean convention, not the code convention
if permute is None:
permute = (0, 1, 2,)
spin_tensor = q.epsilon_tensor(*permute) * self.spin_tensor.transpose(permute)
shape = (4, 4, 4,)
assert spin_tensor.shape == shape
return spin_tensor
def get_spin_tensor_code(self, permute=None) -> np.ndarray:
return spin_tensor_code
See `baryon_spin_tensor_to_code` and `baryon_spin_tensor_from_code`.
spin_tensor = self.get_spin_tensor(permute=permute)
spin_tensor_code = baryon_spin_tensor_to_code(spin_tensor)
return spin_tensor_code
def add(self, chiral_projection, spin, spin_coef) -> Self:
return self
Allow keep add.
chiral_projection = ((1, 1,), (1, 0,), (1, 0,),)
spin = (0, 1, 0,)
spin_coef = 1
if spin_coef == 0:
return self
((c00, c01,), (c10, c11,), (c20, c21,),) = chiral_projection
s1, s2, s3, = spin
spin_tensor = self.spin_tensor
spin_tensor[s1, s2, s3] += c00 * c10 * c20 * spin_coef
spin_tensor[s1, s2, s3 + 2] += c00 * c10 * c21 * spin_coef
spin_tensor[s1, s2 + 2, s3] += c00 * c11 * c20 * spin_coef
spin_tensor[s1, s2 + 2, s3 + 2] += c00 * c11 * c21 * spin_coef
spin_tensor[s1 + 2, s2, s3] += c01 * c10 * c20 * spin_coef
spin_tensor[s1 + 2, s2, s3 + 2] += c01 * c10 * c21 * spin_coef
spin_tensor[s1 + 2, s2 + 2, s3] += c01 * c11 * c20 * spin_coef
spin_tensor[s1 + 2, s2 + 2, s3 + 2] += c01 * c11 * c21 * spin_coef
return self
def list(self) -> list:
return [ self.spin_tensor, ]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
st_list_code = self.get_spin_tensor_list_code()
st_str = ",".join([ repr(v) for v in st_list_code ])
return f"BfieldCoef([{st_str}])"
### ------
bfield_tag_dict = dict()
bfield_tag_dict["std-u"] = BfieldCoef()
bfield_tag_dict["std-u"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 0,), (1, 0,),), (0, 1, 0,), mk_sym(1)/2)
bfield_tag_dict["std-u"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 0,), (1, 0,),), (0, 0, 1,), -mk_sym(1)/2)
bfield_tag_dict["std-u"].add(((1, 1,), (0, 1,), (0, 1,),), (0, 1, 0,), mk_sym(1)/2)
bfield_tag_dict["std-u"].add(((1, 1,), (0, 1,), (0, 1,),), (0, 0, 1,), -mk_sym(1)/2)
bfield_tag_dict["std-d"] = BfieldCoef()
bfield_tag_dict["std-d"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 0,), (1, 0,),), (1, 1, 0,), mk_sym(1)/2)
bfield_tag_dict["std-d"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 0,), (1, 0,),), (1, 0, 1,), -mk_sym(1)/2)
bfield_tag_dict["std-d"].add(((1, 1,), (0, 1,), (0, 1,),), (1, 1, 0,), mk_sym(1)/2)
bfield_tag_dict["std-d"].add(((1, 1,), (0, 1,), (0, 1,),), (1, 0, 1,), -mk_sym(1)/2)
bfield_tag_dict["std3-u3"] = BfieldCoef()
bfield_tag_dict["std3-u3"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 0,), (0, 1,),), (0, 0, 0,), 1/sympy.sqrt(2))
bfield_tag_dict["std3-u3"].add(((1, 1,), (0, 1,), (1, 0,),), (0, 0, 0,), 1/sympy.sqrt(2))
bfield_tag_dict["std3-u1"] = BfieldCoef()
bfield_tag_dict["std3-u1"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 0,), (0, 1,),), (1, 0, 0,), 1/sympy.sqrt(6))
bfield_tag_dict["std3-u1"].add(((1, 1,), (0, 1,), (1, 0,),), (1, 0, 0,), 1/sympy.sqrt(6))
bfield_tag_dict["std3-u1"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 0,), (0, 1,),), (0, 1, 0,), 1/sympy.sqrt(6))
bfield_tag_dict["std3-u1"].add(((1, 1,), (0, 1,), (1, 0,),), (0, 1, 0,), 1/sympy.sqrt(6))
bfield_tag_dict["std3-u1"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 0,), (0, 1,),), (0, 0, 1,), 1/sympy.sqrt(6))
bfield_tag_dict["std3-u1"].add(((1, 1,), (0, 1,), (1, 0,),), (0, 0, 1,), 1/sympy.sqrt(6))
bfield_tag_dict["std3-d1"] = BfieldCoef()
bfield_tag_dict["std3-d1"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 0,), (0, 1,),), (1, 1, 0,), 1/sympy.sqrt(6))
bfield_tag_dict["std3-d1"].add(((1, 1,), (0, 1,), (1, 0,),), (1, 1, 0,), 1/sympy.sqrt(6))
bfield_tag_dict["std3-d1"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 0,), (0, 1,),), (0, 1, 1,), 1/sympy.sqrt(6))
bfield_tag_dict["std3-d1"].add(((1, 1,), (0, 1,), (1, 0,),), (0, 1, 1,), 1/sympy.sqrt(6))
bfield_tag_dict["std3-d1"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 0,), (0, 1,),), (1, 0, 1,), 1/sympy.sqrt(6))
bfield_tag_dict["std3-d1"].add(((1, 1,), (0, 1,), (1, 0,),), (1, 0, 1,), 1/sympy.sqrt(6))
bfield_tag_dict["std3-d3"] = BfieldCoef()
bfield_tag_dict["std3-d3"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 0,), (0, 1,),), (1, 1, 1,), 1/sympy.sqrt(2))
bfield_tag_dict["std3-d3"].add(((1, 1,), (0, 1,), (1, 0,),), (1, 1, 1,), 1/sympy.sqrt(2))
bfield_tag_dict["pos-u"] = BfieldCoef()
bfield_tag_dict["pos-u"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 1,), (1, 1,),), (0, 1, 0,), mk_sym(1)/2)
bfield_tag_dict["pos-u"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 1,), (1, 1,),), (0, 0, 1,), -mk_sym(1)/2)
bfield_tag_dict["pos-d"] = BfieldCoef()
bfield_tag_dict["pos-d"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 1,), (1, 1,),), (1, 1, 0,), mk_sym(1)/2)
bfield_tag_dict["pos-d"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 1,), (1, 1,),), (1, 0, 1,), -mk_sym(1)/2)
bfield_tag_dict["pos3-u3"] = BfieldCoef()
bfield_tag_dict["pos3-u3"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 1,), (1, 1,),), (0, 0, 0,), 1)
bfield_tag_dict["pos3-u1"] = BfieldCoef()
bfield_tag_dict["pos3-u1"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 1,), (1, 1,),), (1, 0, 0,), 1/sympy.sqrt(3))
bfield_tag_dict["pos3-u1"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 1,), (1, 1,),), (0, 1, 0,), 1/sympy.sqrt(3))
bfield_tag_dict["pos3-u1"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 1,), (1, 1,),), (0, 0, 1,), 1/sympy.sqrt(3))
bfield_tag_dict["pos3-d1"] = BfieldCoef()
bfield_tag_dict["pos3-d1"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 1,), (1, 1,),), (1, 1, 0,), 1/sympy.sqrt(3))
bfield_tag_dict["pos3-d1"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 1,), (1, 1,),), (0, 1, 1,), 1/sympy.sqrt(3))
bfield_tag_dict["pos3-d1"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 1,), (1, 1,),), (1, 0, 1,), 1/sympy.sqrt(3))
bfield_tag_dict["pos3-d3"] = BfieldCoef()
bfield_tag_dict["pos3-d3"].add(((1, 1,), (1, 1,), (1, 1,),), (1, 1, 1,), 1)
### ------
class Bfield(Op):
baryon tensor
tag in bfield_tag_dict
The tensor is assumed to take the form:
baryon(s1,s2,s3,c1,c2,c3) = spin_tensor[s1,s2,s3] * q.epsilon_tensor(c1,c2,c3)
spin_tensor = bfield_tag_dict[self.tag].get_spin_tensor_code()
def __init__(self, tag:str, s1:str, s2:str, s3:str, c1:str, c2:str, c3:str):
assert tag in bfield_tag_dict
Op.__init__(self, "Bfield")
self.tag = tag
self.s1 = s1
self.s2 = s2
self.s3 = s3
self.c1 = c1
self.c2 = c2
self.c3 = c3
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.otype}({self.tag!r},{self.s1!r},{self.s2!r},{self.s3!r},{self.c1!r},{self.c2!r},{self.c3!r})"
def list(self):
return [ self.otype, self.tag, self.s1, self.s2, self.s3, self.c1, self.c2, self.c3, ]
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return self.list() == other.list()
### ------
def simplify_bs_elem_list(elem_list:list) -> list:
Merge `elem_pair` with the same spin settings (combine the `coef`s).
elem_list = sorted(elem_list, key=repr)
if len(elem_list) == 0:
return []
s_elem_list = []
value, coef, = elem_list[0]
for v, c in elem_list[1:]:
if v == value:
coef += c
coef = ea.simplified(coef)
if coef != 0:
s_elem_list.append((value, coef,))
value, coef, = v, c,
coef = ea.simplified(coef)
if coef != 0:
s_elem_list.append((value, coef,))
return s_elem_list
def mk_bs_elem_list(tag_v, permute_v, tag_b, permute_b):
assert isinstance(tag_v, str)
assert isinstance(tag_b, str)
assert tag_v in bfield_tag_dict
assert tag_b in bfield_tag_dict
assert isinstance(permute_v, tuple)
assert isinstance(permute_b, tuple)
assert len(permute_v) == 3
assert len(permute_b) == 3
for i in permute_v:
assert 0 <= i and i < 3
for i in permute_b:
assert 0 <= i and i < 3
v_st = bfield_tag_dict[tag_v].get_spin_tensor_code(permute_v)
b_st = bfield_tag_dict[tag_b].get_spin_tensor_code(permute_b)
sst = v_st[:, None, :, None, :, None] * b_st[None, :, None, :, None, :]
if np.all(sst == 0):
elem_list = []
for v_s1 in range(4):
for v_s2 in range(4):
for v_s3 in range(4):
for b_s1 in range(4):
for b_s2 in range(4):
for b_s3 in range(4):
c = sst[v_s1, b_s1, v_s2, b_s2, v_s3, b_s3]
if c == 0:
elem_list.append(((v_s1, b_s1, v_s2, b_s2, v_s3, b_s3,), c,))
return elem_list
class BS(Op):
single baryon prop
elem_list = [ ((v_s1, b_s1, v_s2, b_s2, v_s3, b_s3,), coef,) ... ]
chain_list = [ prop_0, prop_1, prop_2, ]
tag_v or tag_b in `bfield_tag_dict`
permute_v = (spin_color_index_that_prop_0_contract_with,
def __init__(self, elem_list:list, chain_list:list[Chain]):
assert isinstance(elem_list, list)
for elem in elem_list:
assert isinstance(elem, tuple)
assert len(elem) == 2
assert isinstance(elem[0], tuple)
((v_s1, b_s1, v_s2, b_s2, v_s3, b_s3,), coef,) = elem
assert 0 <= v_s1 and v_s1 < 4
assert 0 <= b_s1 and b_s1 < 4
assert 0 <= v_s2 and v_s2 < 4
assert 0 <= b_s2 and b_s2 < 4
assert 0 <= v_s3 and v_s3 < 4
assert 0 <= b_s3 and b_s3 < 4
assert isinstance(chain_list, list)
assert len(chain_list) == 3
for ch in chain_list:
assert isinstance(ch, Chain)
assert ch.otype == "Chain"
Op.__init__(self, "BS")
self.elem_list = elem_list
self.chain_list = chain_list
def add(self, tag:tuple, coef):
return self.bs_add_tag_coef(tag, coef)
def bs_add_tag_coef(self, tag:tuple, coef):
(tag_v, permute_v, tag_b, permute_b,) = tag
(tag_v, permute_v, tag_b, permute_b,) = tag
elem_list = mk_bs_elem_list(tag_v, permute_v, tag_b, permute_b)
for ss, c in elem_list:
self.elem_list.append((ss, coef * c))
def __imul__(self, factor):
if factor == 0:
self.elem_list = []
elem_list = []
for elem in self.elem_list:
(value, coef,) = elem
elem = (value, coef * factor,)
self.elem_list = elem_list
return self
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.otype}({self.elem_list!r},{self.chain_list!r})"
def list(self):
return [ self.otype, self.elem_list, self.chain_list, ]
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return self.list() == other.list()
def sort(self):
sp_chain_list = sorted(list(enumerate(self.chain_list)), key=lambda x: repr(x[1]))
s_chain_list = []
i_list = []
for sp in sp_chain_list:
i, ch = sp
def permute_ss(ss):
pss = []
for i in i_list:
pss.append(ss[2 * i])
pss.append(ss[2 * i + 1])
return tuple(pss)
s_elem_list = []
for elem in self.elem_list:
(ss, coef,) = elem
s_elem = (permute_ss(ss), coef,)
s_elem_list = sorted(s_elem_list)
self.elem_list = s_elem_list
self.chain_list = s_chain_list
def isospin_symmetric_limit(self) -> None:
for op in self.chain_list:
def get_spin_spin_tensor_code(self) -> np.ndarray|None:
return sst or None
sst[v_s1, b_s1, v_s2, b_s2, v_s3, b_s3] = coef
if len(self.elem_list) == 0:
return None
shape = (4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,)
sst = np.zeros(shape, dtype=object)
for elem in self.elem_list:
((v_s1, b_s1, v_s2, b_s2, v_s3, b_s3,), coef,) = elem
sst[v_s1, b_s1, v_s2, b_s2, v_s3, b_s3] += coef
return sst
def get_spin_spin_tensor_elem_list_code(self) -> list:
return self.elem_list
self.elem_list = [ ((v_s1, b_s1, v_s2, b_s2, v_s3, b_s3,), coef,), ... ]
return self.elem_list
def simplify_elem_list(self):
self.elem_list = simplify_bs_elem_list(self.elem_list)
### ------
def find_chains_for_bfield_v(bf:Bfield, op_list:list[Op]) -> tuple[list[Chain], list[Op]]|None:
return chain_list, remaining_op_list
s_list = [ bf.s1, bf.s2, bf.s3, ]
c_list = [ bf.c1, bf.c2, bf.c3, ]
chain_list = [ None for i in range(3) ]
masks = [ False for op in op_list ]
for op in op_list:
if op.otype != "Chain":
for i, s in enumerate(s_list):
if op.s1 == s:
assert masks[i] == False
chain_list[i] = op
masks[i] = True
assert len(chain_list) == 3
for i in range(3):
ch = chain_list[i]
if ch is None:
return None
assert ch is not None
assert ch.s1 == s_list[i]
assert ch.c1 == c_list[i]
remaining_op_list = []
for mask, op in zip(masks, op_list):
if mask == False:
return chain_list, remaining_op_list
def find_bfield_b_from_chains(chain_list:list[Chain], op_list:list[Op]) -> tuple[Bfield, tuple[int], list[Op]]|None:
return (bf_b, permute, remaining_op_list) or None
assert len(chain_list) == 3
s_ch_list = [ ch.s2 for ch in chain_list ]
c_ch_list = [ ch.c2 for ch in chain_list ]
for idx, op in enumerate(op_list):
if op.otype != "Bfield":
bf = op
s_list = [ bf.s1, bf.s2, bf.s3, ]
c_list = [ bf.c1, bf.c2, bf.c3, ]
if sorted(s_list) != sorted(s_ch_list):
assert sorted(c_list) == sorted(c_ch_list)
permute = []
for s, c in zip(s_ch_list, c_ch_list):
i = s_list.index(s)
assert s == s_list[i]
assert c == c_list[i]
permute = tuple(permute)
remaining_op_list = []
for i, op in enumerate(op_list):
if i != idx:
return bf, permute, remaining_op_list
return None
def mk_baryon_prop(bf_v:Bfield, bf_b:Bfield, chain_list:list[Chain]) -> BS:
assert len(chain_list) == 3
assert chain_list[0].s1 != chain_list[1].s1
assert chain_list[0].s1 != chain_list[2].s1
assert chain_list[1].s1 != chain_list[2].s1
assert chain_list[0].s2 != chain_list[1].s2
assert chain_list[0].s2 != chain_list[2].s2
assert chain_list[1].s2 != chain_list[2].s2
assert bf_v.s1 != bf_v.s2
assert bf_v.s1 != bf_v.s3
assert bf_v.s2 != bf_v.s3
assert bf_b.s1 != bf_b.s2
assert bf_b.s1 != bf_b.s3
assert bf_b.s2 != bf_b.s3
ch_list, re_op_list = find_chains_for_bfield_v(bf_v, chain_list)
assert len(re_op_list) == 0
assert ch_list == chain_list
permute_v = (0, 1, 2,)
bf, permute_b, re_op_list = find_bfield_b_from_chains(chain_list, [ bf_b, ])
assert bf == bf_b
assert len(re_op_list) == 0
tag_v = bf_v.tag
tag_b = bf_b.tag
chain_list = [ copy_op_index_auto(ch) for ch in chain_list ]
bs = BS([], chain_list)
bs.add((tag_v, permute_v, tag_b, permute_b,), 1)
return bs
def find_baryon_prop(op_list:list) -> tuple[BS,list[Op]]|None:
return (baryon_prop, remaining_op_list,) or None
size = len(op_list)
for i, op in enumerate(op_list):
if op.otype != "Bfield":
bf_v = op
remaining_op_list = op_list[:i] + op_list[i + 1:]
p = find_chains_for_bfield_v(bf_v, remaining_op_list)
if p is None:
chain_list, remaining_op_list = p
p = find_bfield_b_from_chains(chain_list, remaining_op_list)
if p is None:
bf_b, permute, remaining_op_list = p
baryon_prop = mk_baryon_prop(bf_v, bf_b, chain_list)
return baryon_prop, remaining_op_list
return None
def collect_baryon_props(op_list:list[Op]) -> list[Op]:
Collect all the `BS`s.
bs_list = []
while True:
p = find_baryon_prop(op_list)
if p is None:
bs, op_list = p
return bs_list + op_list
### ------
class Term:
def __init__(self, c_ops, a_ops, coef=1):
self.coef = coef
self.c_ops = c_ops
self.a_ops = a_ops
for op in c_ops:
assert op.is_commute()
for op in a_ops:
assert not op.is_commute()
def list(self):
return [ self.coef, self.c_ops, self.a_ops, ]
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return self.list() == other.list()
def check_commute(self) -> bool:
for op in self.c_ops:
assert op.is_commute()
for op in self.a_ops:
assert not op.is_commute()
def __imul__(self, factor):
self.coef *= factor
return self
def __add__(self, other):
return mk_expr(self) + other
def __add__(self, other):
return mk_expr(self) + other
__radd__ = __add__
def __mul__(self, other):
return mk_expr(self) * other
def __rmul__(self, other):
return mk_expr(other) * self
def __neg__(self):
return mk_expr(-1) * mk_expr(self)
def __pos__(self):
return self
def __sub__(self, other):
return mk_expr(self) + mk_expr(-1) * other
def __rsub__(self, other):
return mk_expr(other) + mk_expr(-1) * self
def show(self, is_multiply=False) -> str:
return "*".join([ f"({self.coef})", ] + self.c_ops + self.a_ops)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Term({self.c_ops},{self.a_ops},{self.coef})"
def sort(self) -> None:
only sort commutable factors
Important to keep the `BS` factors in front of other factors.
for op in self.c_ops:
def simplify_coef(self) -> None:
self.coef = ea.coef_simplified(self.coef)
def simplify_ea(self) -> None:
self.coef = ea.simplified(self.coef)
def collect_traces(self) -> None:
Collect `Chain`s, `Tr`s, `BS`s.
if len(self.a_ops) == 0:
self.c_ops = collect_traces(self.c_ops)
self.c_ops = collect_baryon_props(self.c_ops)
def isospin_symmetric_limit(self) -> None:
for op in self.c_ops:
### ------
class Expr:
def __init__(self, terms, description = None):
self.description = description
self.terms = terms
def copy(self):
return a deep copy of this object.
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def __imul__(self, factor):
for term in self.terms:
term *= factor
self.description = f"{factor} * {self.show(True)}"
return self
def __add__(self, other):
If other is str, then it is used to set the description of the resulting `expr`.
Otherwise return self + other.
if isinstance(other, str):
return Expr(self.terms, other)
other = mk_expr(other)
terms = self.terms + other.terms
return Expr(terms, f"+{self.show()} + {other.show()}")
__radd__ = __add__
def __mul__(self, other):
other = mk_expr(other)
terms = []
for t1 in self.terms:
for t2 in other.terms:
coef = t1.coef * t2.coef
if coef == 0:
t = Term(t1.c_ops + t2.c_ops, t1.a_ops + t2.a_ops, coef)
return Expr(terms, f"{self.show(True)} * {other.show(True)}")
def __rmul__(self, other):
return mk_expr(other) * self
def __neg__(self):
return mk_expr(-1) * mk_expr(self)
def __pos__(self):
return self
def __sub__(self, other):
return mk_expr(self) + mk_expr(-1) * other
def __rsub__(self, other):
return mk_expr(other) + mk_expr(-1) * self
def show(self, is_multiply=False):
if self.description is not None:
assert isinstance(self.description, str)
if len(self.description) >= 1 and self.description[0] == "+":
if is_multiply:
return f"( {self.description[1:]} )"
return f"{self.description[1:]}"
return self.description
return repr(self)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self.description is None:
return f"Expr({self.terms})"
return f"Expr({self.terms},{self.description!r})"
def sort(self) -> None:
for term in self.terms:
def simplify_coef(self) -> None:
for t in self.terms:
def simplify_ea(self) -> None:
for t in self.terms:
def rescale_bs_term(self) -> None:
terms = []
for t in self.terms:
t = rescale_bs_term(t)
self.terms = terms
def combine_terms(self) -> None:
self.terms = combine_terms_expr(self).terms
def drop_zeros(self) -> None:
self.terms = drop_zero_terms(self).terms
def round(self, ndigit:int=20) -> None:
interface function
sexpr = self.copy()
for term in sexpr.terms:
coef = term.coef
term.coef = term.coef.evalf(ndigit)
sexpr.terms = drop_zero_terms(sexpr).terms
return sexpr
def collect_traces(self) -> None:
for term in self.terms:
def isospin_symmetric_limit(self) -> None:
for term in self.terms:
def simplify(self, *, is_isospin_symmetric_limit:bool=True) -> None:
interface function
if is_isospin_symmetric_limit:
### ------
def mk_fac(x) -> Expr:
interface function
Stand for "make factor", the result of this function can be used in auto contractor as a factor.
Make an Expr obj (can be sympy expression).
`x` can have type `str`, which will be viewed as code segment.
The code segment can use functions and variables defined in `auto_contractor.auto_fac_funcs`, `position_dict`, `base_position_dict`.
You can define functions in `position_dict` or `base_position_dict`.
`position_dict` is argument in function `eval_cexpr`.
`base_position_dict` is argument in function `cache_compiled_cexpr`.
return mk_expr(ea.mk_fac(x))
def simplified(expr:Expr, *, is_isospin_symmetric_limit:bool=True) -> Expr:
interface function
does not change expr
sexpr = expr.copy()
sexpr.simplify(is_isospin_symmetric_limit = is_isospin_symmetric_limit)
return sexpr
def mk_expr(x) -> Expr:
if isinstance(x, Op):
if x.is_commute():
return Expr([Term([x,], [], 1),], f"{x}")
return Expr([Term([], [x,], 1),], f"{x}")
elif isinstance(x, Term):
return Expr([x,], f"x.show()")
elif isinstance(x, Expr):
return x
elif isinstance(x, (int, float, complex, sympy.Basic, ea.Expr)):
return Expr([Term([], [], x),], f"({x})")
raise Exception(f"{x}")
def get_op_signature(op:Op, bs_count:int) -> str:
if bs_count == 0:
if op.otype == "BS":
return f"{op.otype}(elem_list,{op.chain_list!r})"
return f"{op!r}"
def get_term_signature(term:Term) -> str:
Terms with the same signature can be combined together.
c_ops_str_list = []
bs_count = 0
for op in term.c_ops:
c_ops_str_list.append(get_op_signature(op, bs_count))
if op.otype == "BS":
bs_count += 1
c_ops_str = ",".join(c_ops_str_list)
return (f"[{c_ops_str}],{term.a_ops!r}", bs_count,)
def get_bs_list_from_op_list(op_list:list[Op]) -> tuple[list[BS], list[Op]]:
bs_list = []
remaining_op_list = []
for op in op_list:
if op.otype == "BS":
return bs_list, remaining_op_list
def combine_two_terms(t1:Term, t2:Term, t1_sig:str, t2_sig:str) -> Term|None:
Combine two terms together.
If not possible, return None.
if t1_sig == t2_sig:
(sig_str, bs_count,) = t1_sig
assert t1.a_ops == t2.a_ops
if bs_count == 0:
assert t1.c_ops == t2.c_ops
coef = t1.coef + t2.coef
if ea.is_zero(coef):
return Term([], [], 0)
return Term(t1.c_ops, t1.a_ops, coef)
elif bs_count == 1:
coef1 = t1.coef
coef2 = t2.coef
[ bs1, ], re_c_ops1, = get_bs_list_from_op_list(t1.c_ops)
[ bs2, ], re_c_ops2, = get_bs_list_from_op_list(t2.c_ops)
assert re_c_ops1 == re_c_ops2
assert bs1.chain_list == bs2.chain_list
bs1 = copy.copy(bs1)
bs2 = copy.copy(bs2)
bs1 *= coef1
bs2 *= coef2
bs = BS(bs1.elem_list + bs2.elem_list, bs1.chain_list)
c_ops = [ bs, ] + re_c_ops1
return Term(c_ops, t1.a_ops, 1)
return None
return None
def combine_terms_expr(expr:Expr) -> Expr:
combine terms with the same signatures.
if not expr.terms:
return expr
zero_term = Term([], [], 0)
zero_term_sig = get_term_signature(zero_term)
signatures = [ get_term_signature(t) for t in expr.terms ]
s_pairs = sorted(list(zip(expr.terms, signatures)), key=lambda x: x[1])
s_terms, s_signatures, = list(zip(*s_pairs))
terms = []
term = s_terms[0]
term_sig = s_signatures[0]
for t, t_sig in zip(s_terms[1:], s_signatures[1:]):
if ea.is_zero(term.coef):
term = t
term_sig = t_sig
ct = combine_two_terms(t, term, t_sig, term_sig)
if ct is None:
term = t
term_sig = t_sig
elif ea.is_zero(ct.coef):
term = zero_term
term_sig = zero_term_sig
term = ct
assert term_sig == get_term_signature(term)
if not ea.is_zero(term.coef):
return Expr(terms, expr.description)
def rescale_bs_term(term:Term) -> Term:
bs_list, re_op_list, = get_bs_list_from_op_list(term.c_ops)
if len(bs_list) == 0:
return term
scaled_bs_list = []
coef_prod = 1
for bs in bs_list:
sst_el = bs.get_spin_spin_tensor_elem_list_code()
over_all_coef = 0
for _, coef, in sst_el:
if isinstance(coef, ea.Expr):
coef = ea.simplified(coef)
if ea.is_zero(coef):
if isinstance(coef, ea.Expr):
if coef.is_zero():
over_all_coef = coef.terms[0].coef
if coef == 0:
over_all_coef = coef
if over_all_coef == 0:
return Term([], [], 0)
scaled_bs = copy.copy(bs)
scaled_bs *= 1 / mk_sym(over_all_coef)
coef_prod *= over_all_coef
scaled_term = Term(scaled_bs_list + re_op_list, term.a_ops, coef_prod * term.coef)
return scaled_term
def drop_zero_terms(expr:Expr) -> Expr:
terms = []
for t in expr.terms:
if ea.is_zero(t.coef):
return Expr(terms, expr.description)
def op_derivative_exp(op:Op):
if op.otype == "Qv":
return Term([], [SHv(op.f, op.p, op.s, op.c),], -1)
elif op.otype == "Qb":
return Term([], [HbS(op.f, op.p, op.s, op.c),], 1)
return None
def op_derivative_op(op:Op, op1:Op):
if op.otype == "Qv" and op1.otype == "HbS" and op.f == op1.f:
return Term([S(op.f, op.p, op1.p, op.s, op1.s, op.c, op1.c),], [], 1)
elif op.otype == "Qb" and op1.otype == "SHv" and op.f == op1.f:
return Term([S(op.f, op1.p, op.p, op1.s, op.s, op1.c, op.c),], [], 1)
return None
def flip_sign(i:int) -> int:
if i % 2 == 0:
return 1
return -1
def op_derivative_term(op:Op, term:Term) -> Expr:
coef = term.coef
c_ops = term.c_ops
a_ops = term.a_ops
terms = []
for i in range(len(a_ops)):
op1 = a_ops[i]
dop1 = op_derivative_op(op, op1)
if dop1 is not None:
sign = flip_sign(i)
terms.append(Term(dop1.c_ops + c_ops, a_ops[:i] + dop1.a_ops + a_ops[i+1:], sign * dop1.coef * coef))
de = op_derivative_exp(op)
if de is not None:
sign = flip_sign(len(a_ops))
terms.append(Term(de.c_ops + c_ops, a_ops + de.a_ops, sign * de.coef * coef))
return Expr(terms)
def op_push_term(op:Op, term:Term) -> Expr:
if op.otype == "Qv" or op.otype == "Qb":
return op_derivative_term(op, term)
coef = term.coef
c_ops = term.c_ops
a_ops = term.a_ops
if op.is_commute():
return Expr([Term([op,] + c_ops, a_ops, coef),])
return Expr([Term(c_ops, [op,] + a_ops, coef),])
def op_push_expr(op:Op, expr:Expr) -> Expr:
terms = []
for term in expr.terms:
terms += op_push_term(op, term).terms
return Expr(terms)
def is_hop(op:Op) -> bool:
if op.otype == "SHv" or op.otype == "HbS":
return True
if op.otype == "Hv" or op.otype == "Hb":
return True
return False
def has_hops(term:Term, count_limit:int = 0) -> bool:
c = 0
for op in term.a_ops:
if is_hop(op):
c += 1
if c > count_limit:
return True
return False
def remove_hops(expr:Expr, count_limit:int = 0) -> Expr:
terms = []
for term in expr.terms:
if not has_hops(term, count_limit):
return Expr(terms)
def contract_term(term:Term) -> Expr:
coef = term.coef
c_ops = term.c_ops
a_ops = term.a_ops
n_a_ops = len(a_ops)
expr = Expr([Term(c_ops, [], coef),])
for idx, op in enumerate(reversed(a_ops)):
expr = op_push_expr(op, expr)
expr = remove_hops(expr, n_a_ops - idx - 1)
return expr
def contract_expr(expr:Expr) -> Expr:
interface function
does not change expr
all_terms = []
for term in expr.terms:
all_terms += contract_term(term).terms
return Expr(all_terms, f"< {expr.show()} >")
### ------
def S_l(p1, p2):
return mk_expr(S('l', p1, p2)) + f"S_l({p1},{p2})"
def S_s(p1, p2):
return mk_expr(S('s', p1, p2)) + f"S_s({p1},{p2})"
def S_c(p1, p2):
return mk_expr(S('c', p1, p2)) + f"S_c({p1},{p2})"
def tr(expr):
if isinstance(expr, Term):
term = expr
assert term.a_ops == []
return Term([ Tr(term.c_ops), ], [], term.coef)
elif isinstance(expr, Expr):
return sum(map(tr, expr.terms)) + f"tr( {expr.show()} )"
assert False
gamma_x = mk_expr(G(0)) + f"gamma_x"
gamma_y = mk_expr(G(1)) + f"gamma_y"
gamma_z = mk_expr(G(2)) + f"gamma_z"
gamma_t = mk_expr(G(3)) + f"gamma_t"
gamma_5 = mk_expr(G(5)) + f"gamma_5"
def gamma(tag):
return mk_expr(G(tag)) + f"gamma({tag})"
def gamma_va(tag):
assert isinstance(tag, int)
if tag in [ 0, 1, 2, 3, ]:
return mk_expr(G(tag)) + f"gamma({tag})"
elif tag in [ 4, 5, 6, 7, ]:
return mk_expr(G(tag - 4)) * mk_expr(G(5)) + f"gamma({tag-4})*gamma_5"
assert False
### ------
def mk_test_expr_wick_01():
expr = (1
* Qb("d", "x1", "s1", "c1")
* G(5, "s1", "s2")
* Qv("u", "x1", "s2", "c1")
* Qb("u", "x2", "s3", "c2")
* G(5, "s3", "s4")
* Qv("d", "x2", "s4", "c2"))
return expr
def mk_test_expr_wick_02():
f1 = "u"
f2 = "u"
f3 = "d"
p1 = "x1"
s1 = "s1"
c1 = "c1"
p2 = "x2"
s2 = "s2"
c2 = "c2"
p3 = "x3"
s3 = "s3"
c3 = "c3"
p1p = "x1p"
s1p = "s1p"
c1p = "c1p"
p2p = "x2p"
s2p = "s2p"
c2p = "c2p"
p3p = "x3p"
s3p = "s3p"
c3p = "c3p"
q1v = Qv(f1, p1p, s1p, c1p)
q2v = Qv(f2, p2p, s2p, c2p)
q3v = Qv(f3, p3p, s3p, c3p)
q1b = Qb(f1, p1, s1, c1)
q2b = Qb(f2, p2, s2, c2)
q3b = Qb(f3, p3, s3, c3)
bf_b = Bfield("std-u", s1, s2, s3, c1, c2, c3)
bf_v = Bfield("std-u", s1p, s2p, s3p, c1p, c2p, c3p)
expr = bf_b * bf_v * q1v * q2v * q3v * q1b * q2b * q3b + f"expr"
return expr
def mk_test_expr_wick_03():
f1 = "d"
f2 = "u"
f3 = "u"
p1 = "x1"
s1 = "s1"
c1 = "c1"
p2 = "x2"
s2 = "s2"
c2 = "c2"
p3 = "x2"
s3 = "s3"
c3 = "c3"
p1p = "x1p"
s1p = "s1p"
c1p = "c1p"
p2p = "x2p"
s2p = "s2p"
c2p = "c2p"
p3p = "x2p"
s3p = "s3p"
c3p = "c3p"
q1v = Qv(f1, p1p, s1p, c1p)
q2v = Qv(f2, p2p, s2p, c2p)
q3v = Qv(f3, p3p, s3p, c3p)
q1b = Qb(f1, p1, s1, c1)
q2b = Qb(f2, p2, s2, c2)
q3b = Qb(f3, p3, s3, c3)
bf_b = Bfield("std-u", s1, s2, s3, c1, c2, c3)
bf_v = Bfield("std-u", s1p, s2p, s3p, c1p, c2p, c3p)
expr = bf_b * bf_v * q1v * q2v * q3v * q1b * q2b * q3b + f"expr"
return expr
def mk_test_expr_wick_04():
f1 = "d"
f2 = "u"
f3 = "u"
p1 = "x1"
s1 = "s1"
c1 = "c1"
p2 = "x2"
s2 = "s2"
c2 = "c2"
p3 = "x2"
s3 = "s3"
c3 = "c3"
p1p = "x1p"
s1p = "s1p"
c1p = "c1p"
p2p = "x2p"
s2p = "s2p"
c2p = "c2p"
p3p = "x2p"
s3p = "s3p"
c3p = "c3p"
q1v = Qv(f1, p1p, s1p, c1p)
q2v = Qv(f2, p2p, s2p, c2p)
q3v = Qv(f3, p3p, s3p, c3p)
q1b = Qb(f1, p1, s1, c1)
q2b = Qb(f2, p2, s2, c2)
q3b = Qb(f3, p3, s3, c3)
bf_b = Bfield("std-u", s1, s2, s3, c1, c2, c3)
bf_v = Bfield("std-u", s1p, s2p, s3p, c1p, c2p, c3p)
ubar_u = Qb(f2, "xx", "s01", "c01") * Qv(f2, "xx", "s01", "c01")
expr = ubar_u * bf_b * bf_v * q1v * q2v * q3v * q1b * q2b * q3b + f"expr"
return expr
def mk_test_expr_wick_05():
f1 = "u"
f2 = "u"
f3 = "d"
p1 = "x1"
s1 = "s1"
c1 = "c1"
p2 = "x1"
s2 = "s2"
c2 = "c2"
p3 = "x1"
s3 = "s3"
c3 = "c3"
p1p = "x1p"
s1p = "s1p"
c1p = "c1p"
p2p = "x1p"
s2p = "s2p"
c2p = "c2p"
p3p = "x1p"
s3p = "s3p"
c3p = "c3p"
q1v = Qv(f1, p1p, s1p, c1p)
q2v = Qv(f2, p2p, s2p, c2p)
q3v = Qv(f3, p3p, s3p, c3p)
q1b = Qb(f1, p1, s1, c1)
q2b = Qb(f2, p2, s2, c2)
q3b = Qb(f3, p3, s3, c3)
bf_b = Bfield("std-u", s1, s2, s3, c1, c2, c3)
# bf_v = Bfield("std-u", s1p, s2p, s3p, c1p, c2p, c3p)
bf_v = Bfield("std-u", s3p, s2p, s1p, c3p, c2p, c1p)
expr = bf_b * bf_v * q1v * q2v * q3v * q1b * q2b * q3b + f"expr"
return expr
def mk_test_expr_wick_06():
f1 = "s"
f2 = "s"
f3 = "s"
p1 = "x1"
s1 = "s1"
c1 = "c1"
p2 = "x1"
s2 = "s2"
c2 = "c2"
p3 = "x1"
s3 = "s3"
c3 = "c3"
p1p = "x1p"
s1p = "s1p"
c1p = "c1p"
p2p = "x1p"
s2p = "s2p"
c2p = "c2p"
p3p = "x1p"
s3p = "s3p"
c3p = "c3p"
q1v = Qv(f1, p1p, s1p, c1p)
q2v = Qv(f2, p2p, s2p, c2p)
q3v = Qv(f3, p3p, s3p, c3p)
q1b = Qb(f1, p1, s1, c1)
q2b = Qb(f2, p2, s2, c2)
q3b = Qb(f3, p3, s3, c3)
expr_list = []
bf_b = Bfield("std3-u3", s1, s2, s3, c1, c2, c3)
bf_v = Bfield("std3-u3", s1p, s2p, s3p, c1p, c2p, c3p)
expr = bf_b * bf_v * q1v * q2v * q3v * q1b * q2b * q3b + f"expr-std3-u3"
bf_b = Bfield("std3-u1", s1, s2, s3, c1, c2, c3)
bf_v = Bfield("std3-u1", s1p, s2p, s3p, c1p, c2p, c3p)
expr = bf_b * bf_v * q1v * q2v * q3v * q1b * q2b * q3b + f"expr-std3-u1"
bf_b = Bfield("std3-d1", s1, s2, s3, c1, c2, c3)
bf_v = Bfield("std3-d1", s1p, s2p, s3p, c1p, c2p, c3p)
expr = bf_b * bf_v * q1v * q2v * q3v * q1b * q2b * q3b + f"expr-std3-d1"
bf_b = Bfield("std3-d3", s1, s2, s3, c1, c2, c3)
bf_v = Bfield("std3-d3", s1p, s2p, s3p, c1p, c2p, c3p)
expr = bf_b * bf_v * q1v * q2v * q3v * q1b * q2b * q3b + f"expr-std3-d3"
bf_v = Bfield("std3-u3", s1p, s2p, s3p, c1p, c2p, c3p)
bf_b = Bfield("std3-u3", s1, s2, s3, c1, c2, c3)
expr = bf_b * bf_v * q1v * q2v * q3v * q1b * q2b * q3b + f"expr-std3-std3-u3"
bf_v = Bfield("pos3-u3", s1p, s2p, s3p, c1p, c2p, c3p)
bf_b = Bfield("pos3-u3", s1, s2, s3, c1, c2, c3)
expr = bf_b * bf_v * q1v * q2v * q3v * q1b * q2b * q3b + f"expr-pos3-pos3-u3"
bf_v = Bfield("pos3-u3", s1p, s2p, s3p, c1p, c2p, c3p)
bf_b = Bfield("std3-u3", s1, s2, s3, c1, c2, c3)
expr = bf_b * bf_v * q1v * q2v * q3v * q1b * q2b * q3b + f"expr-pos3-std3-u3"
bf_v = Bfield("std3-u3", s1p, s2p, s3p, c1p, c2p, c3p)
bf_b = Bfield("pos3-u3", s1, s2, s3, c1, c2, c3)
from operators import mk_j_mu
mu = 2
fac = mk_fac(f"rel_mod_sym(x1[1][{mu}] - x1p[1][{mu}], size[{mu}])")
expr = fac * mk_j_mu("xx_1", 3) * bf_b * bf_v * q1v * q2v * q3v * q1b * q2b * q3b + f"expr-std3-pos3-u3"
return expr_list
def mk_test_expr_wick_07():
f1 = "s"
f2 = "s"
f3 = "s"
p1 = "x1"
s1 = "s1"
c1 = "c1"
p2 = "x1"
s2 = "s2"
c2 = "c2"
p3 = "x1"
s3 = "s3"
c3 = "c3"
p1p = "x1p"
s1p = "s1p"
c1p = "c1p"
p2p = "x1p"
s2p = "s2p"
c2p = "c2p"
p3p = "x1p"
s3p = "s3p"
c3p = "c3p"
q1v = Qv(f1, p1p, s1p, c1p)
q2v = Qv(f2, p2p, s2p, c2p)
q3v = Qv(f3, p3p, s3p, c3p)
q1b = Qb(f1, p1, s1, c1)
q2b = Qb(f2, p2, s2, c2)
q3b = Qb(f3, p3, s3, c3)
expr_list = []
bf_v = Bfield("std3-u3", s1p, s2p, s3p, c1p, c2p, c3p)
bf_b = Bfield("std3-u3", s1, s2, s3, c1, c2, c3)
from operators import mk_j_mu
expr = mk_j_mu("xx_1", 3) * mk_j_mu("xx_2", 3) * bf_b * bf_v * q1v * q2v * q3v * q1b * q2b * q3b + f"expr-std3-std3-u3"
return expr_list
if __name__ == "__main__":
expr = mk_test_expr_wick_01()
c_expr = contract_expr(expr)
c_expr.simplify(is_isospin_symmetric_limit = False)
c_expr_check = Expr([Term([Tr([G('5'), S('d','x2','x1'), G('5'), S('u','x1','x2')],'sc')],[],(-1+0j))]) - c_expr
c_expr_check.simplify(is_isospin_symmetric_limit = False)
c_expr.simplify(is_isospin_symmetric_limit = True)
print(Qb("u", "x2", "s23", "c23") * Qv("u", "x1", "s11", "c11") - Qb("d", "x2", "s23", "c23") * Qv("d", "x1", "s11", "c11"))
expr = mk_test_expr_wick_02()
c_expr = contract_expr(expr)